I offer a value for money service based on the size of vehicle and the service provided.
In order to help you find the best price for your valet, please look at the photographs below and choose the one closest to your vehicle.

A valet for a car, such as this Insignia starts from £60. This price includes exterior wash and dry, alloy wheels cleaned, external polish, windows cleaned inside and out, tyre dressing and exterior plastics treated. Inside, door apertures cleaned, seats vacuumed then shampooed, interior plastics cleaned. For £100, the above applies, plus a “buff and polish” which will help to restore the paintwork to an original state, for a long lasting shine. For larger cars, please call for a quote!

A external valet for a medium size caravan, such as this Elddis starts from £95. This price includes exterior wash and dry, alloy wheels cleaned, external polish, exterior windows cleaned, tyre dressing and exterior plastics treated. For £150, the above applies, plus a trreatment with spray polish which will help to restore the paintwork to an original state, for a long lasting shine. For a machine polish covering the exterior of the caravan – but not the roof – the total cost is £200. For larger caravans and twin axles, please call for a quote! Interior quotes on request.
Campervans and vans

A valet for a commercial van or van based camper, such as this VW Transporter starts from £60. This price includes exterior wash and dry, alloy wheels cleaned, external polish, windows cleaned inside and out, tyre dressing and exterior plastics treated. Inside, door aprtures cleaned, seats vacuumed then shampooed, interior plastics cleaned. For £95, the above applies, plus a “buff and polish” which will help to restore the paintwork to an original state, for a long lasting shine. For larger cars, please call for a quote!

A external valet for a medium size motorhome, such as this Transit based coachbuit, starts from £95. This price includes exterior wash and dry, alloy wheels cleaned, external polish, exterior windows cleaned, tyre dressing and exterior plastics treated. For £150, the above applies, plus a “buff and polish” to the cab area which will help to restore the bodywork to an original state, for a long lasting shine. For tag axle motorhomes, please call for a quote! Interior quotes on request.
Speciality vehicles & 4×4’s

For an accurate quote for speciality vehicles, such as 4×4, prestige marques, truck cabs, race trucks and American RV’s, please contact Scott on 07725 547101.